About Michael

I am an information technology professional with a wide and varied collection of experiences – from desktop and server support, to managerial and senior technical roles and just about everything in between. I’ve been a coder, a network engineer, a VoIP developer, a systems administrator – and have even run my own information technology consultancy.

My current roles is as an infrastructure and security specialist with a cyber security company. My career has spanned almost 30 years, and I describe myself as a general technology enthusiast.

Am I a Windows Person? Am I a Linux Person? Am I an Apple Person?

If I had to choose, I would almost certainly say a “Linux Person” – but I am generally quite agnostic toward what technology to use – for many applications, each is better than the other. I’ll use what is best for the job.

I have a strong interest in politics, particularly in Australia. I don’t however, tar myself with the brush of either side of the current political divide in this country. Neither the “left” or the “right” choices particularly inspire me. I am more interested in the policies, not the politicking. It would be wonderful if our politicians would do the same from time to time. I do not support any single particular party.

Online, I have been “accused” of being left-leaning, and also of being right-leaning. To be labelled as either is not a bad thing, and not something I get upset about, but clearly I can’t be both. For clarity, I simply don’t believe in this non-thinking concept that a party you do not support cannot possibly come up with good policies. I’m probably best described as “centre” in my political views – I try to look at each issue from as many angles as possible.

If you are a right-leaning person, to simply believe that any policy that comes from a left-leaning party must automatically be a bad one is just nonsensical. The opposite is of course completely true also. A thinking person should judge a policy on its merits, not on the colour of the tie the person presenting it is wearing.

I am a fanatical supporter of the Essendon Football Club and have been all of my life. I have been a paid member of the club since 1997, and will be for every year of the rest of my life.

I love just about any form of motor sport, but in particular Supercars, where I support all GM teams, and Formula One with no particular favourite teams or drivers.

Family means the world to me, and I am proud father to an amazing son who was born 10 weeks prematurely. He is my inspiration.

I am a cat father to the amazing Cheeto Wyres, a zippy ginger girl who does wonders for my mental health.