Quickshot: Peaceful
It has been a long hard couple of years, but I finally feel more relaxed tonight than I have been in a long time.

It has been a long hard couple of years, but I finally feel more relaxed tonight than I have been in a long time.
Need a large 4K screen?
Just join nine of them together!
I’ve typically been a poor sleeper for quite a number of years – and when I added a colour smart globe to my lounge room recently, I thought I’d see if it made a difference.
I’ve been spending the evening before bed for the last couple of weeks under a steady blue light, and I swear I haven’t slept better in years.
If you have trouble sleeping, maybe give it a try too?
For those who know, I’ve been moving house of late – which is why I’ve not been posting so much. I haven’t had a great day today, but it’s nice to come home to my warm piece of happy space – almost done unpacking too!
On a lovely sunny day in Melbourne, here’s a shot taken at Essendon Fields while having lunch with my daughter. Looking at the old Essendon Airport terminal building, back from when Essendon was Melbourne’s main airport.
As is my usual thing, when I fly I like to take photos out of the plane, then later figure out where I was when I took the photo.
On my business trip to Brisbane last week, I grabbed this shot of Lake Burrendong in the central west of New South Wales, aboard Qantas flight QF604, operated by Boeing 737-838, registered VH-VYB.
An advantage of working near Melbourne’s Tullamarine Airport is having the opportunity to do a little plane spotting, and today it was Qantas day.
At lunch today, I watched VH-VZH (Boeing 737-838) take off for Adelaide, and VH-EBC (Airbus A330-202) take off for Perth.
View of this morning’s West Footscray factory fire, while sitting in the traffic jam it caused. The plume of smoke was visible from where I entered the M1 at North Geelong, about 80 kilometres away.
The labels aren’t showing due to the flickering of the screen versus the speed of the camera lens in my phone, but these were the travel times on the Western Ring Road this morning.
Travel times were Ballarat Road to, respectively, Keilor Park Drive, the Tullamarine Freeway, and the Hume Freeway.
Such fun!