The large project I am working on at the moment requires a great deal of hardware to accomplish. Over the last few days we received a large – (or so it seemed) – shipment from Hewlett Packard.
Several pallet loads of equipment arrived via Qantas Freight from HP’s regional facility in Singapore. Let us go through the opening of one of the boxes on the pallets, shall we?
Here is the unopened box:
Here is the opened version of the same box:
Here is the same box with the first layer of bubble wrap removed:
Here is the same box with the rest of the bubble wrap removed, revealing two small boxes:
Here is one of the small boxes removed from the outer box:
Here is the same small box opened:
Here is the same box with the first layer of bubble wrap pulled back, revealing a small bubble wrap bag and contents:
Here is the same box with the outer bubble wrap removed, leaving only the final contents:
Here is the final item in the box, a simple power cord:
Seriously – what the fuck, Hewlett Packard? You sent two simple power cords, in a great big box, with all that packaging around them? That’s just………wrong.
Why don’t we have a look at your environment policy?
“To be exemplary global citizens, we strive for leadership by addressing the areas most critical to our stakeholders and our business. We place particular emphasis on our three priorities: climate and energy, product reuse and recycling, and supply chain responsibility, these issues have strategic importance to our business, stakeholder concerns and our ability to make a positive impact.”
One of your stated goals is to:
“Reduce the ratio of total packaging weight to total packaged product weight to 28%.”
The boxes with the power cables in them were marked, as freighted, at 2.2 kilograms, and the two powers cables weighed about 200 grams, about 9% of the weight of the box.
That is 91% packaging, or 3.25 times your target of 28%. Further more, the three pallet loads of equipment we unpacked today were consolidated down to this small pile:
Here is the amount of packaging – (the stuff on the floor, and the stack to the right) – that you, Hewlett Packard apparently believe is required to ship it to us, in line with your environment policy:
If your goal is to be “exemplary global citizens”, I’m sorry HP – you fail.