WTF Moment from The Australian

Flicking around the online news media over a cup of Earl Grey this afternoon, I came across this rather peculiar article at The Australian website.

“COMMUNICATIONS Minister Stephen Conroy seems destined to make his own job harder than needed, with breathtaking gaps in his consultative process and an extraordinary belief that everyone should simply take him at his word.”

“Conroy is rightly suspicious of Telstra and Optus, which basically run a duopoly service which they don’t want upset.”

“NBN is the intruder but that doesn’t excuse putting myriad powers in the discretion of the minister nor exempting the NBN from ACCC scrutiny.”

“Yet that is exactly what Conroy has done with his latest amendments, which gives the NBN freedom that the incumbent duopolists could only dream for.”

“By doing so Conroy unnecessarily invites scepticism at a time when, despite previous denials, he seems to be letting NBN loose as provider of retail services to big business.”

Ignoring the factual inaccuracies – (and the traditional right-leaning political bias of The Australian) – for just a moment, you would think that surely if you were going to come up with an article which is clearly designed to debunk the position of Senator Stephen Conroy in regards to his NBN legislation – (in committee in the Senate as I type) – you could do a bit better job than this?

It is 131 words long. I’m sure you’ll agree that it does not feel “finished”.

It is almost as if John Durie forgot to do his homework, and slapped this together on the train on the way into work. He makes a bunch of statements, presents no information to someone who might be reading this with no knowledge of the NBN, and … just … stops.
